Benefits of balance
Inspired by my recent class teaching theme I wanted to add more depth to the conversation about the topic of Sthira and Sukha, so here we...
Benefits of balance
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 9: Cobra vs Upward Dog
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 8: Anjaneyasana
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 5 & 6: Reverse Warrior and Extended Side Angle Postures
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 4: Warrior Two
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 3: Warrior One
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 2: Plank pose
Understanding Vinyasa Flow Yoga... Part 1: Downward Dog posture
What is self-care all about? And how to integrate it into your life
Yoga retreat: Q&A time
Yoga off the mat - my volunteering experience in Calais
Yoga meets Earth Day - Deepening your understanding of yoga